Saturday, July 02, 2005


Sites to visit

Not going anywhere for the 4th? Need something to do between the cook-out and dark, when you can shoot off your illegal fireworks in open defiance of the government's efforts to micromanage your life? Here are a couple of blogs for you to check out:

The Balance of Power - This is a team blog that offers a variety of opinions on an issue. There's currently a detailed discussion on the proposition that the right wing is enforcing criminal laws for the purpose of making liberals and libertarians ineligible to vote. There's a very active comment community at this site, too.

Sovereign Commentary - This blog moves along at a good clip, with predominantly short posts on a wide variety of topics. The result is well-written and to-the-point commentary in almost a "news round-up" fashion. Top of the blog right now is a collection of comments on liberty, from folks whose names you'll (hopefully) recognize.

Both will be well worth your time to check out.

And as for fireworks, here in Ohio, it's illegal to have 'em, or shoot 'em off. But you can BUY them in Ohio, as long as you sign a form that says you're immediately taking 'em out of the state to set 'em off. There is no level too low for government to stoop to, when it smells a nickel in taxes to collect. Allow the sale of an illegal item so you can collect the sales tax.

How's that for something to think about on Independence Day?

UPDATE: Oops, forgot to tip my hat to HISTORIUM, where I found links to the above sites.

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